(07) 5575 8442
Pregnancy and Family Support Association Gold Coast Incorporated is in the business of changing and shaping lives. The work we do at our Social Welfare Organization is aimed at providing a holistic approach to solving some of our society’s biggest challenges. We ensure that our partners are empowered by creating opportunities for individuals and communities.
Pregnancy and Family Support is a community based service agency, established to provide counselling and practical support to pregnant clients and families with children under the age of sixteen. Our aim is to provide a welcoming, non-judgmental, sensitive and caring environment to all clients regardless of age, race, gender, and social status, religious or political beliefs.
Pregnancy and Family Support will endeavour to protect the privacy of families, staff and volunteers and operate in accordance with relevant legislations and adheres to the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1998. All private information is kept for seven years and stored in locked filing cabinets and in password protected data files. Types of information generally collected during intake include, name, address, and date of birth, age, gender and/or identity. Further information that may be requested includes pregnancy status, names and dates of birth of partners and children, name of referrer and other information such as financial, relationship or housing difficulties related to receiving support from the agency. Signed client consent is always requested at intake should collaboration be required between other agencies and/or other professionals, i.e. doctors, psychologists, midwives, law enforcement, etc. Pregnancy and Family Support will only release information with signed consent unless the limit to confidentiality has been breached.
Limits to Confidentiality:
It is important for all consumers to be aware that there are limits to confidentiality by Commonwealth Law. If at any stage the staff of Pregnancy and Family support suspect:
There is a suspicion of child physical and/or psychological abuse
There is a suspicion of elder adult physical and/or psychological abuse
The staff suspect you are in present danger of causing harm to yourself
The staff suspect you are in present danger of causing harm to others
In such cases, the staff of Pregnancy and Family Support maintain the right to seek counsel and/or refer to other appropriate people, agencies or institutions in order to remedy the situation.
Consumers are the focus of the Agency and their rights are to be acknowledged and promoted at every opportunity. At Pregnancy and Family Support, we believe that clients are to be treated with respect and dignity at all times regardless of age, gender, race, social status, disabilities, religious or cultural beliefs. It is also acknowledged that people have the right to make choices in their own lives and in regard to the service they may receive, and make decisions around accepting referral or advocacy as part of this service.
As a consumer of Pregnancy and Family Support you have the right to:
Privacy and Confidentiality
Cultural, social and physical respect and integrity
Ask why information is collected and what it may be used for
Refuse to provide sensitive information about yourself not required for assessment purposes
View any information that is held about you
Request changes to information that you believe to be incorrect
Have any concerns or complaints investigated fairly
Receive referral if you do not meet the eligibility criteria
Use an advocate or interpreter to negotiate on your behalf
Receive outcomes / solutions to any complaint notified in writing
As a client of Pregnancy and Family Support you are responsible for:
Making and keeping appointments
Providing documented proof of up to date and accurate information of pregnancy and child custody status
Access the service on a need only basis, funding is limited and for crisis situations only
Outcome and result of any decision/s you make in relation to receiving support
Providing an advocate or interpreter if required
Ensure all information provided is truthful and has been correctly recorded
Treating other consumers and Staff of PFS with respect and dignity
Pregnancy and Family Support Association Gold Coast Inc. provides support to clients who are expecting a child and/or have children under the age of sixteen in their care.
Staff of Pregnancy and Family Support have the right to:
Ask for proof of client identity, i.e. Health Card, Drivers License or Passport
Ask for proof of pregnancy or child residency, i.e. Centrelink Statement, Medical or Court Documents
Refuse assistance to clients who do not fit the above criteria
At their discretion, limit assistance to frequently presenting clients
A safe and secure working environment, free from harassment
To be treated with respect and dignity by all consumers
Staff of Pregnancy and Family Support has the responsibility to:
Treat clients with respect and dignity at all times
Provide unbiased and unprejudiced support and assistance
Accurately and competently record client information
Adhere to providing clients with privacy and confidentiality; ensuring signed consent is sought prior to referral or discussions with other professions or agencies in relation to client support and/or advocacy (unless limits to confidentiality has been breached)
Report back outcomes and/or solutions to any complaints received
The information we collect from you on our intake form will include personal information that is protected by law under the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988. Any information collected is securely stored in locked cabinets and by strict computer password access. It is not shared with any third party unless required for collaborative purposes which you have approved by signed permission.
The baby items provided at Pregnancy & Family Support are primarily donated by the community.All baby goods are provided free of charge and it is the responsibility of the recipients to ensure all items are safe, in good working order and appropriate for your child’s age and/or developmental stage.Items do not have to be returned to Pregnancy & Family Support, you are however welcome to re-donate them should you choose to do so. Please ensure that you thoroughly wash and correctly disinfect all items received from this agency prior to use to protect your child from potential contaminants. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask a staff member.
Any concerns or complaints regarding service provided at this Agency should be forwarded in writing to the Coordinator of Pregnancy and Family Support. Should your complaint not be resolved adequately or if your complaint is related to the Coordinator, you may send a letter directly to the President of the Management Committee and address it to PO Box 221, Burleigh Heads QLD 4220. Alternatively, you can contact The Department of Communities, Child Safety & Disabilities and submit a formal complaint with them by phoning 13 74 68 or the QLD Ombudsman on 1800 068 908.

Pregnancy and Family Support Association Gold Coast Incorporated wants to spread our message of hope and compassion. We believe that a single action can make an enormous difference in the community, and that collective action can significantly impact the greater good. Through advocacy, support and outreach, our team works tirelessly each day to contribute their part to creating a fairer, respectful, more understanding and inclusive world.